Saturday, 25 March 2023

St Richard, Haywards Heath Annunciation Feast 25th March 2023


As a beautiful hymn summarises the last verses of the Gospel we just heard: ‘Then gentle Mary meekly bowed her head. ‘To me be as it pleaseth God.’ She said.’ 

‘To me be as it pleases God’. This morning God wants our Yes, our Amen to the Body of Christ - a Yes from the depth of our heart of allegiance to Christ on his Mother’s Feast Day.

We say Yes as Mary did because God has said Yes to us through his stated plan to establish and gather together all things in Christ.

He needs our Yes as he did Mary’s for that to be accomplished. Yes to the unification of the cosmos which Christianity is set to achieve.

Let’s look at how your Yes or my Yes might be voiced this morning.

As we get close to Holy Week maybe a decision to attend services as we are able expressing obedience to God and his Church.

There may be something more specific and personal, a scheme ahead that’s very right for you and yours but requires a decision, a calculated risk, a leap of faith, a costly Yes. Say it maybe this morning at this eucharist.

Or it might be some circumstance begging from you a more profound surrender to your state of life. So often the answer to our problems lies in changing the way we look at them. In particular adopting positive resignation to the will of God in our circumstances. Sometimes we lack joy and gladness and that deficit traces to a fighting of harsh circumstances that need acceptance, so we do well to pray with Mary, ‘Yes, Lord, be it unto me according to your will’. 

God sought Mary’s Yes and he seeks ours so he can anoint us as he anointed her with his Holy Spirit. He seeks our gifts to be employed for his praise and service. In the frustrations we bear it is good to be reminded that God seeks our Yes before he seeks our success both as individuals and as a church. ‘To me be as it pleaseth God.’ So be it!

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