If Israel is the nation most mentioned in the Bible Iraq is second.
Is it so surprising, then, that the destiny of both nations continues to draw our prayers not least as we mark this month the 20th anniversary of our ill fated invasion of that land.
If the Garden of Eden was in Iraq it is the first place where God walked among us and Satan put his oar in!
Daniel’s lions’ den was in Iraq and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego walked there in the fiery furnace, as described in today’s first reading from the book of Daniel Chapter 3. They were protected by a fourth man in that fire, one who ‘had the appearance of a son of god’.
Can we say that Jesus visited Iraq – and in a fiery furnace?
As we pray for that troubled land we can be sure the same Lord who suffered for us remains close to those who endure the ongoing furnace of conflict, not least Ukraine, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Eritrea and Yemen alongside Iraq and Israel-Palestine.
When we pray for anything, scripture says, Jesus prays with us and in us as he did for Shadrach, Meshach an Abednego.
Surely the Lord’s heart continues to be one with our hearts in being burdened for lands dear to him since the foundation of the world?
No other nation, except Israel, has more biblical history and prophecy associated with it than Iraq the venue for the miracle in the first reading.
The Lord give us faith to see his hand working through history in this our day and recognise his call for us to pray for his possibilities to break in to make so many troubled lands lands of his favour.
As we prepare to pray for the wear zones of the world let’s keep silence reflecting on the word of God in the Gospel from St John Chapter 8: ‘if you make my word your home, you will indeed be my disciples, you will learn the truth and the truth will make you free’ - you and many you pray for!
Gracious God, we pray for all persons suffering from war.
Transform the hearts and minds of all those who perpetuate violence and oppression. Grant wisdom to world leaders in advancing efforts toward world peace; may they not be compromised by self-interest and blind indifference.
Lord hear us
We lift to you the people of Ukraine, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Eritrea and Yemen alongside Iraq and Israel-Palestine. At the prayer of this Mass may your kingdom of justice, love and peace grow in those lands.
Lord hear us
We pray wisdom for Justin our chief Bishop, Pope Francis, Patriarch Bartholomew, Martin our Bishop and all Christian leaders as they speak and work for well being in the world and the good of all who live in its troubled regions.
Lord hear us
Lord bless Charles our King and his ministers as they work for the common good in our own land, especially those sorely afflicted by the rise in the cost of living.
Lord hear us
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